User needs to choose the appropriate background for their map from a pre-defined set of available basemaps.
Basemaps provide the underlying foundation of a map. Choosing the right basemap for the available operational data and its anticipated visualization is a crucial step and requires cartographic insights. It is not meant to be handed down to the end-users of the application but should be limited to people configuring the map. In cases when end-users need to switch the view to another basemap it is recommended to use a Basemap Toggle instead.
Used during configuration of a map when selecting the correct basemap and set of reference layers is being decided. The choice of basemap is based on the type of data and application and can best be done by the author of the map.
Provide a dropdown button that opens a panel with a list of basemaps. This list can either be a listing of the titles or a grid of thumbnails with labels. Indicating the currently selected basemap through a checkmark is recommended. Adding an option for ‘no basemap’ can be considered. Sort the gallery by relevance or alphabetically, consider separating basemaps provided by the system and basemaps generated or uploaded by users or group of users.
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